
Short Stories

House Of Secrets

The girls were less than twenty feet away when the truck slipped into gear and backed over him, crushing him to death before their eyes.  That was the beginning...Read More.

Memory Lane

I searched his eyes in the photograph and said under my breath, "Somebody murdered you.  They murdered you and it probably happened while you were sitting right at this desk."  Just then I heard two creaks on the wooden floor from the parlor behind me...Read More.


Responsible Witch

If we have acted in a baneful manner, we will not be judged after our body dies, before a single god, but will reap the sowing of our intent while in the present life, and sometimes beyond it, in accordance to the laws of the universe...Read More.

Spirit Of Fire

Bringing both hind legs up, he kicked hard, sending the second barrel even higher.  When it too landed, he began running figure eights between them, all the while keeping his head down and racing as though he were back in the rodeol  I was awestruck...Read More.